Bangkok, Thailand

+66 94 154 1459

Investing Independently, Crafting Joy

We are an investment company specializing in strategic investments across diverse business solutions.


The service we offer is specifically designed to meet your needs.

Business Strategy

Embark on your business journey with us. We collaborate from ground zero, refining and evolving strategies together.

Marketing Strategy

Chart your course through market opportunities with precision. We customize solutions, messaging, and channels to elevate your brand and digital marketing strategies.

Human-Centric Design

Put people at the core of every design. Experience the best customer interactions through human-centered design principles.

Digital Solutions

From mobile apps to websites, we develop and deploy cutting-edge digital solutions for your business.

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We've invested in diverse businesses, driven by our passion and commitment to both what we love and profitability.

Our compass is profitability, but passion and belief in our work are essential. Above all, it must be enjoyable.

  • Happy Three Creation
  • Digital Black Knight
  • Juth Studio
  • A Cuppa Academy
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We assist clients with business strategy, marketing, branding, and digital solutions from inception.

Client ideas meet data-driven, human-centric crafting, resulting in tailored business solutions.

  • Blend & Bloom Cafe
  • Needle Form
  • Legendary 2023
  • Mahalo Dessert Cafe

We are proud of our projects

We bring solutions to make life easier for our customers.


Completed Projects


Happy Clients


Awards Won

“Having utilized Juth Studio (a brand under Independent Muffin) since 2008, I recently returned for a brand and website redesign. Their professionalism has consistently impressed me, and they've never failed to deliver exceptional results.”

Kulthida Anatsathukarn

The Owner of Needle Form

“Independent Muffin has been with me from the beginning. Starting with just an idea for a smoothie bar, they guided me through business and marketing strategies, handled shop design, and provided digital solutions. Their support makes me feel secure and confident.”

Nuttiya Kasemprakarn

The Owner of Blend&Bloom Cafe

“Independent Muffin assisted me in designing a brand that everyone admires for its uniqueness and attractiveness. As my business grew, they also provided invaluable support with franchise strategy. Their help has been immensely valuable to me”

Pen Thanakeeree

The Owner of Mahalo Dessert Cafe


Who Are We?

We're a comprehensive solutions provider that values the impact of creative strategy paired with exceptional design.

Independent Muffin LP is a dynamic company led by Dr. Suthasinee Susiva, a seasoned professional with expertise in B2B Marketing and Marketing Information Systems. Dr. Susiva's journey began at the University of Bath, UK, where she graduated with a degree specializing in Marketing Information Systems. Her deep understanding of B2B Marketing has been a driving force behind Independent Muffin's success. In 2017, Dr. Susiva co-founded Independent Muffin LP alongside Juthamas Vadhanapanich, an acclaimed designer renowned for winning prestigious awards in Italy Design Competitions. This partnership brought together expertise in marketing and design, laying the foundation for Independent Muffin's diverse portfolio.

  • Dr. Suthasinee Susiva
  • Juthamas Vadhanapanich

Our Vision

Empowering innovation and excellence across industries through strategic investments and transformative solutions.


Our Mission

To be a leading force in shaping digital landscapes, driving business growth, and delivering unparalleled value to our partners and clients.


Our Values

We uphold values of innovation, collaboration, integrity, excellence, and empowerment, fostering partnerships and teamwork while maintaining honesty, transparency, and ethical practices.



Satisfied Customers

Let’s Talk

Let’s make something great together. We are trusted by over 50+ clients. Join them by using our services and grow your business.

Ready to unlock the full potential of your business? Discover how Independent Muffin can empower your growth with innovative strategies and top-notch solutions. Let's create something extraordinary together. Contact us today and start your journey towards success!

Email Us
Needle Form
Blend and Bloom Cafe